
My name is Kees, short for Cornelis and pronounced as case, like just in case… But you didn’t come here to for that, or did you? What I think and hope you came here for is to read my stories and the knowledge that I am trying to share with the world.

I don’t claim to be the smartest, strongest or best writer out there. What I do claim to be is being real and to me that’s one of the most important attributes someone can have especially now a days. A place where it’s so easy to pretend to be someone that you’re not and not fully backing your values and ideas. I promise to you, yes you the person reading this right now that I will always believe in what I am putting out into the world. If I discover new information that contradicts my previous stories and statements I will 100% percent make another blog and tell you about it.

This blog will contain information and stories about all of the things that I am super passionate about. Things like how travelling and enjoying new experiences can open your eyes and how you can listen to someone speak and it can change you entire view on life. Most of all though I will be writing about all things related to fitness because that’s what I know best and I believe that where I can help make this world just a tiny bit better everyday.

Tell me all the things you do and don’t like about my blog and I will always try and be better the next time. Tell me what you would like to read about and I will try my best to make it happen. I hope you find my stories insightful, entertaining and full of passion.
